Neno Bella - electronic breast pump

The Neno Bella breast pump was designed with mothers in mind. Before turning on the milk expression mode, the device stimulates breast glands, ensuring better milk flow.


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Neno Bella

Eelectronic breast pump

In any situation

Neno Bella is a wireless breast pump that can be used anywhere a young mom needs it – at work, on vacation or during a trip. A milk bottle is included with the breast pump, allowing you to use the device right out of the box.

Easy charging

Neno Bella’s display screen is clear and easy to read, showing you the chosen mode of operation, suction power, remaining work time and battery status. Using the device is incredibly simple thanks to the four big buttons.

High quality display

Neno Bella’s display screen is clear and easy to read, showing you the chosen mode of operation, suction power,remaining work time and battery status. Using the device is incredibly simple thanks to the four big buttons.

Built for comfort

Neno Bella is operated with the use of a touch panel that clearly shows you all information. Additionally, the breast pump remembers the last used settings.


Before expressing milk, the Neno Bella stimulates the mammary glands, ensuring better outflow.

Easy sterilization

The parts of the breast pump have to be regularly cleaned and sterilized. You can use boiling water or a steam sterilizer, also used to disinfect baby bottles.

Your and your child's health

With Neno Bella, you don’t need to wake your sleeping child up when you feel the need to express breast milk. You can use the breast pump and use the milk to feed your child later, ensuring proper hygiene of your breasts without waking the baby up.


The Neno Bella breast pump can be used on breasts of any size, so any young mother can pick this device without worrying.

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Pojedynczy butelkowy



Ilość faz


Regulacja siły ssania

Tryb stymulacji: 6 poziomów,

Tryb głębokiego odciągania: 9 poziomów

Lejek w zestawie


Możliwość wymiany lejka


Możliwość sterylizacji


Wbudowany timer


Czas pracy

do 120 min

Czas ładowania

ok 120 min


105x105x53 mm

Waga laktatora

417 g

Kabel ładujący

USB typ C



Kod PN


Zawartość zestawu

Urządzenie pompujące, kabel USB-C, 1x butelka na mleko 150ml, pokrywka lejka 24mm, lejek 24mm, 1x zestaw ze smoczkiem 0-3mies, 1x membrana, 1x nakrętka butelki, 2x zaworek, 2x woreczek do przechowywania pokarmu, 1x adapter do woreczków, 1x konektor do laktatora, instrukcja użytkowania, 1x podstawka do laktatora, przewód silikonowy

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