Neno Medic T07 – professional infrared thermometer

35,76 €

Cena regularna: 35,76 €

The Neno Medic T07 thermometers have up to 2 modes for measuring body temperature. They change automatically, without your participation. All you have to do is remove the cap and the thermometer itself switches to ear mode. You can control the temperature by placing the thermometer against your ear or forehead, depending on your needs. Note: In infants and newborns, the temperature depends on the place of measurement. In the ear, the range of normal temperature is 35.7-37.5 °C, mean temperature is 36.6 °C and fever ≥ 37.6 °C and the result may differ from the forehead measurement. [1] *Bibliography: [1]Based on: Doniec Z., Jackowska T., Sybilski A. et al: Fever in children - recommendations for management in primary care physician practice - KOMPAS GORĄCZKA. Fam Med. Prim Care Rev 2021, 23


Thermometer Neno Medic T07*

Automatically changing working modes

Neno Medic T07 thermometers have 2 modes for measuring body temperature. They change automatically, without your participation. All you need to do is remove the cap, and then the thermometer will switch to ear mode automatically. Depending on your needs, you can control the temperature by placing the thermometer on your ear or forehead.

Professional measurement

Neno Medic T07 is a medical device that can be used in hospitals, medical facilities, as well as in kindergartens and nurseries. The device provides comprehensive temperature measurement ranges for the body – from 22 to 43°C. For correct temperature measurement with the thermometer, you need to hold it perpendicularly at a distance of 1–3 centimetres from the forehead.

IR technology

Using infrared technology, the Neno Medic T07 provides professional temperature measurement at home, so the temperature measurement is completely contactless.

Measuring water temperature

How to measure the temperature of the bath water in object measurement mode? Well, it's very simple - just set the object measurement mode on the thermometer, and then place the thermometer close to the water and read the temperature after a short while. This way the water for your baby will no longer be too cold or too hot. It will be safe for your baby.

Measure the food temperature

With object measurement mode, you will also check the exact temperature of your baby's food. The house icon shows that this mode is on. Neno Medic T07 is a device that enables you to check the temperature of each selected item.

Silent mode measurement

If your baby is asleep and you don't want to wake him/her up when measuring the temperature, activate the silent mode. Just hold down the "Memory/Mute" button for about 5 seconds, which will quietly and gently check your baby's temperature.

Measurement overview

Neno Medic T07 thermometers let you review the measurements of your family members because they save in their memory the last 20 temperature measurements. You don't have to note every time on disappearing pieces of paper the temperature, because by clicking the "Memory/Mode" button, you can check the last measurement directly on the thermometer.

Ear temperature measurement

For in-ear measurement, simply pull off the magnetic cap, bend your child's auricle back as instructed in the manual included in the box, insert the thermometer into the ear canal and press the device's power-on button. Quick and safe, right?

Precise measurement

Besides the two automatically changing modes, by using the "Mode" button, you can also select a mode for a child under 12 and a mode for ages over 12, which will ensure precise measurement of your baby's temperature.

High aesthetics, high quality, whiteness, elegance and modernity are the hallmarks for which the Neno Medic T07 is so beloved by #nenomoms. This thermometer is also appreciated for its lightness, because it weighs only 72 grams.

Unique, aesthetic design

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Measurement range:

forehead 22~43°C (71.6~109.4°F)
ear 34~43°C (93.2~109.4°F)
object 0~100°C (32~212°F)

Measurement accuracy:

forehead ±0.2°C in ranges 36~39°C,
±0.3°C in ranges 22~36°C i 22~36°C;
ear ±0.2°C in ranges 36~39°C,
±0.3°C in ranges 34~36°C i 39~43°C;
subject/ room: ±1°C/±2°F


20 measurement

Automatic switch off:

after 10 seconds of inactivity

Units of measurement:

Degrees Celsius (°C) or deegres Fahrenheit (°F)


2×AAA, DC 3V (included)

Working temperature:


Storage temperature:



145.5×45.4×43.4 mm


72 g





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