Baby bottles
Bottles for feeding babies
Proper nutrition throughout the first 1000 days of your baby’s life is very important for their development and immunity. According to the information published by WHO, a mother’s milk provides all the nutrition needed by a child in the first 6 months of their life. It doesn’t mother if you breastfeed or use a baby formula – choosing a proper feeding bottle can make your life much easier.
What to look out for when choosing a baby bottle?
Most important of all – the capacity of the bottle should be adjusted to your child’s age. The material the bottle is made out of is also important. You can buy glass or plastic bottles – if you choose the latter, make sure that they are BPA-free. The type of the teat (rubber, silicone) and its anatomical shape are also important to ensure easy suction for the child. Anti-colic bottles are a special kind of baby bottles that are designed in a way that prevents pockets of air from forming when the baby is eating. Colic is caused by air in the baby’s digestive tract and is one of the main reasons of a small child’s tears of discomfort.
When choosing baby bottles, make sure they fit the other devices you are using. Your breast pump should have the same thread and any bottle sterilizer should be able to contain the bottles placed in it. It’s best if all devices and accessories are from the same brand. Another baby bottle feature that you might want to look out for is easily readable markings that let you control how much food you give your child.
A properly chosen baby bottle is an important step in ensuring your child’s good health.