Contact form
Contact information
KGK TREND sp. z o.o.
ul. Ujastek 5B, 31-752 Cracow
Neno Hotline: 731-594-301
NIP: 6783155146
REGON: 361816905 KRS: 0001008122
Nr GIOŚ E0020936WBW
We do not sell in-store at the office. You can purchase Neno products in-store throughout Poland in sales networks and partner stores.
Bank transfer details (purchase payments):
KGK TREND sp. z o.o.
ul. Ujastek 5b
31-752 Kraków
PKO BP S.A. 2010 2028 9200 0050 0208845622
Kobieta w Centrum Świata is an organization dedicated to supporting women at different stages of their lives. Our mission is to provide emotional, informational and practical support to all women who are facing challenges such as pregnancy or motherhood. Support women with us. Bank account number:
95 1020 2892 0000 5802 0913 5171
ul. Ujastek 11, 31-752 Cracow